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Apache Vhost Limit

mod_vhost_limit : Restricts the number of simultaneous connections per vhost.

It has been a while. And in that while, Apache 2.4 came and a lot of changed were made.
This mod stopped working somewhere in the way, and there are a couple of fixes that makes it compile, but it (most likely) wont work.

So, i rewrote the module. Now I’m using C++ (barely, but it will become relevant later), and shared memory. This is still *REALLY ALPHA* code, so try it at your own risk.

The new module will be hosted at Github until i can mark it as stable. Instructions are over there.

The old module will be stored here just for the archive, and is not supported anymore.

Additional Details (for the old module) :

If ExtendedStatus is Off, the mod won’t work. Anyways, you’ll be warned.
I was based on mod_vhost_limit from Takato Satsuma who wrote it for Apache1.3.

If you run into problems, be sure to set ExtendedStatus to On before the
LoadModule sentence, and MaxVhostClients must be set after
the ServerName directive in each virtualhost. (or …. RTFM)

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